Writtle Green Pre-School

At Writtle Green pre-school we are dedicated to the care and welfare of your children. Our staff team and committee are all CRB/DBS checked and most staff have relevant childcare qualifications up to level 5. Additionally, we have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and an Equality Named Co-ordinator providing specific support as needed.

We are regulated by Ofsted and the Early Years Alliance and follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. We are governed by a parent based committee which manages the running of the pre-school as well as supporting fundraising activities.

We work on a ratio of 1 adult to 4 children for two year olds, and 1 adult to 6 children aged 3 and older. We have a maximum of 19 children at any one time. We have a key person system in place for all children and their families, allowing us to develop personal relationships with the children and guide their play and learning to fully support and increase their learning potential whilst at pre-school. We have regular open evenings for you to come and speak with your child’s key person as well as see some of their work.

We also hold a baby & toddler group on a Friday morning during term time from 9.30am to 11.30am. This is in the large hall at Beryl Platt Centre, admission £3 per family. No need to book, just come along.